
27 February 2012

Creative Cooking

This post is dedicated to the other twenty-somethings out there who are figuring out the whole cooking thing, like I am. It hasn't been easy, but over the last year I've learned a lot about food and how to prepare it. I'm more aware what's going into my body, which has led me to try a lot of interesting and healthy new foods. I'm constantly reading blogs and scouring the internet for interesting ways to make healthy food fun and tasty! Although I may never get bored of steamed veggies, salads, grilled chicken and plain quinoa, I know my husband would! Therefore trying new things and getting creative is a MUST in the Stewart household. Unfortunately for me, my husband hates to cook. So although I try a lot of new recipes, there's little time (after working, exercising, then cooking) to blog about them, even with the photo on my phone as a constant reminder.

I wanted to share with you in a quick post some of my recent creations.

Ground Chicken Taco Salad (this is quick, easy, and one of my FAVES)

"Healthy" Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies and Mint Stuffed Sugar Cookies

Tune Steak with Homemade Salsa, Steamed Broccoli Slaw and Brown Rice

Heart Shaped Eggs, Bacon, and Wheat Toast with Nutella for my Husband on Valentines Day

Tone it Up Protein Pancake

In the next few days I'll post a few recipes for pancakes, cookie and smoothies that I've been dying to share with you. Are there any other recipes you'd like to see?

Our Pocono Weekend

I've been seriously neglecting this blog over the last 2 weeks. Let me catch you up to speed on what's been keeping my away from laptop (I've yet to add a Blogger app to my iPad).

Valentines Day
Doug and I typically do not celebrate it. Still, I like to do something nice for him on Valentines day which inevitably ends up making him feel guilty. But what can I say? I'm a sucker for any reason to eat sweets and get a little mooshy. I ended up making Doug breakfast, complete with heart shaped eggs. I also had a box of cookies and brownies delivered to his work and framed a home-made photo of important dates. We laid pretty low that day, getting in a good workout after work and enjoying a quiet evening at home.

Family Ski Trip
Doug and I drove up to the PA mountains for a fun-filled family ski weekend on 2/16. Several of Doug's aunt, uncles and cousins were there, Doug's dad, brother, sister, brother-in-law and our 2 nieces. It was a packed house! We had planned to ski on Saturday and Sunday and use Friday as a day to get some much needed PA business handled. Doug and I still own a triplex in PA and were eager to walk through the apartments, meet some of the newer tenants and collect any items we left behind that we could fit in or on top of my VW Touareg (i.e. Doug's beer pong table). Our plans changed almost immediately.

Friday were were too exhausted from driving through the night to do much more than nap. We ran a few errands, did some catching up (with family and with some Zs) and had a quiet dinner with Doug's dad at a local restaurant. We decided we would handle business with the house on Sunday instead. I got up early on Saturday to get a quick workout in before heading from Pine Creek to the Poconos. I decided to run up and down Doug's dad's driveway. It's about 1/2 mile long with a VERY steep incline (he lives in the side of a mountain). I only went down and back up once, but it got my heart pumping. Once at the top I worked out with an 8lb kettle bell, did some lunges, abs and stretching and enjoyed the view.

We then drove to the cabin, unpacked and changed, then headed straight for Big Boulder Mountain.

Skiing all day was a blast! I'd forgotten how much fun it was. I did my fair share of falling, but by the end of the day I was feeling confident and made several runs without any spills. We even got to ski while it was actually snowing!

After a long and fun filled day we headed back to the cabin for dinner and libations. I loved sitting around with the family and catching up. I especially loved spending time with my niece Ava, who spent a good part of the evening entertaining me with songs and stories, sitting on my lap, and reading my mind. Reading my mind? Yea- that's what I said. At one point during the evening I was contemplating getting out of my seat to get a cookie or a brownie. I thought I shouldn't because I had already indulged on some pretty unhealthy foods. Then Ava comes over and says "Aunt Amanda, would you like a brownie?" It was adorable and I accepted. When she came back with my brownie she then asked, "would you like a cookie too?" How did she know I wanted both?? The crazy thing is that my sister-in-law says that Ava has done similar things to her. Next time I see her I'm hoping she does it again!

But despite the fun of the evening Doug and I gave into our exhaustion pretty early and were in bed by 10:30. It was only a few hours later that our family vacation to a terrible turn for the worse. It turned out that Doug and I weren't just exhausted from traveling. We were coming down with a nasty stomach virus that consumed us for the next 24 hours. This was the kind of sickness that makes you ache from head to toe. We were quarantined to our room and only transported to Doug's Dads when absolutely necessary. By the time we were feeling well enough to drive it was Monday morning. We didn't get any of our house business done and  ended up getting Ava and Blake (Doug's 9-year-old cousin) sick as well. We made the 800 mile drive back to SC feeling weak and exhausted.

Still, the trip was worth our while. I missed everyone so much and enjoyed the short time that we had with them. I can't wait to go back in a few months to see them again.

12 February 2012

Spending Money Wisely

I like to feel good about how I spend my money. Anyone that knows me well has heard me  say it a million times. I'd rather pay a mom-and-pop a little extra than pay a big chain. I'll spend the extra for organic free range chicken over chicken that was raised inhumanely and pumped with antibiotics and steroids. I work hard for my money so I spend it wisely. For me it's simple: I have to WANT to pay you, either because I agree with your business ethics, the way you make your products, the ingredients that go into your products, the things you do for your community... I put a lot of thought into it. I'm going to spend money on food, products and clothing anyway so why not spend it on things that are good for my community, my body, and my world? Sure I can buy the knock-off Thin Mint cookies at Walmart (a company I do not particularly like) but I'd MUCH rather bring a smile to my cousin Lia's face and buy 4 boxes of the authentic kind from her. So this is what I do and boy does it feel good.

This is not my cousin, by the way

Naturally, this means I will refuse to spend my money in certain places, like McDonald's for example. Hate is a very strong word, but I feel I can use it whole-heartedly here. McDonald's food is crap. There's a reason why you'll almost die if you eat it 3 times a day everyday (if you haven't seen Super Size Me I highly recommend it). With hardly any nutritional value there's very little attractiveness to their menu. But to make matters worse McDonald's is one of the few fast food chains that refuses to adopt a more humane way of slaughtering their chickens. I won't get into the gruesome details but I can tell you that their refusal of the more humane and cost effective method has successfully solidified my boycott. I won't even buy a soda there (I don't drink soda anyway, but you get my point). You can read more about it here:

But enough about the companies I don't like. I think you get my point. That's why I am so excited I found a company I do like: Arbonne. Arbonne is a company that sells health and wellness products that are organic and vegan. They don't test on animals or use any animal products. The products are botanically based and incredibly healthy. Where you'll usually find harsh chemicals in over the counter products you will not find with Arbonne. Their products are better for you, your family and our world. Sounds incredible, right?

"I'm so happy about being healthy!!! It makes me want to jump!"
This photo IS me, by the way, thanks to Walter Barrera Photography

I just bought a bunch of stuff and am eager to give it a try. I'm most excited about their acne line. The last year has been a struggle for me with my skin. I think it's a combination of my hormones and just sweating more (yea-I workout). I tried Pro Active for about 2 months and it didn't clear up. I've also tried Neutrogena Skin ID, Clean and Clear, and countless others. I've heard great things about the Arbonne acne line and can't wait to try it.

I'm also going to start using their body products, shampoo and makeup. I've already used their protein powder (a wonderful gift from my sister-in-law) and am very excited to try their all natural energy supplements before my workouts.

I plan to review all of these products once I've had the opportunity to use them. I ordered them yesterday so I should be able to write on them by this time next week. When I was completing my order online yesterday I was happy to be giving my money to a company with the same values as me. Like I said, it feels good.

If you're interested in trying any of the products please let me know. I can get discounts for you or let you try some of my samples first. To browse their online catalogue just visit their website. You'll need some info from me before purchasing so please don't hesitate to reach out.

11 February 2012

Seek New Horizons

This morning was a typical Saturday- typical for me anyway. I woke up at 6:30am, brushed my teeth, put on my running clothes, laced up my Saucony shoes and met my friends by 7am. By 7:55 we were at the starting line of our third half marathon in the last 5 months. We've also done 5ks, 10ks, Turkey Trots, Jingle Jingles and any other race we can sign up for. We run in the heat, in the cold and in the rain. If it snowed in Hilton Head SC we'd run in that too. We train together week after week and I don't see that changing anytime soon. We're a team.

Having a team has been incredible for me. They encourage me when I need it, push me to be better, deal with me being late on a regular basis and basically put up with my bullshit. We support each other when it comes to our health, physical ability and most importantly running. My team has also become my friends. We spend hours together every week and most of that time are chatting about personal lives, work...whatever comes to mind at that God awful hour in the morning. I believe having each other, combined with running, is an outlet. By the time we're done our run we're ready to face the world with an optimistic and energetic disposition. My running group has changed me. And I like it.

Joining a team was a catalyst for a lot of changes I've made over the last year or so. I've joined a book club, been more social with different types of people, started treating my body better than I ever have, began volunteering and now pay more attention to this blog (even if no one reads it). I jump on opportunities to go out of town and be adventurous. I feel like I have things going on. I'm not just going to work and going to the gym. I'm living my life and having fun.

I've said it before and even if it's redundant here I go again: Running is my metaphor for life. During my race today I pushed myself harder than I ever have. I looked up at the steep bridge at miles 4 and 5 and then again at 9 and 10 and thought to myself "I can push through this. This is no sweat." And I did. I conquered that bridge, then ran several miles after it, crossing the finish line at the best time I ever have on flat pavement. I knew my husband and our two dogs were waiting for me at the finish line, and I sprinted my last tenth of a mile like someone was chasing me. It wasn't easy, but it was possible. That's the way I'll continue to live my life: accepting challenges, staring them in the face and then owning them.

"Once upon a time, we believed the world was flat- that beyond a certain point, there would be nowhere to go. And though we know the world is round, we still fear falling off imaginary edges, too often thinking there's only so far we can stretch, so hard we can push. The most dangerous limits are those in our own head. When you feel you're at your edge, look again. You can go farther." -Self Magazine

10 February 2012

The Right to Choose

I find it hard to believe that we're at this road again. The road where one must turn left or right, picking sides on the abortion debate. I personally thought this topic would never again be so heated and create so much controversy. But here it is, rearing it's ugly head from every corner of Facebook and every propaganda-driven email. Personally, I try to avoid entering into this topic of discussion online to spare myself of any future family feuds, hate emails, etc. So while I'll omit the details of my opinion, I would like to share with you the opinion of a friend of mine. The woman below, Reina, is just that: a woman. This topic means something very intimate to her because of her anatomy. This she did not choose. She is also a mother. Her motherhood, on the other hand, is something she did choose.  Below is a post I borrowed from her Facebook page that I think is very worthy of being shared.

From Reina:

"Did I ever show you guys this? I think it's kind of important. . . This is me at 22 years old, in labor with my daughter Lola. Look at the terror on that person's face. Her body was vibrating with contractions and extreme uncertainty, listening to her midwife, trying very hard not to scream and run away from everything. I think this was the first moment that I really truly realized what was aboutto happen to me. I know that sounds so incredibly immature, and I was... Man, I was the worst. The second picture is the first time i really, honestly touched my daughter with serious intent. Look at that face... I am devastated, I am so beyond moved, and terrified, and in love, and TERRIFIED. 

My heart literally shattered into five million pieces.

What I am trying to say here.. Is that when I had Lola, I was selfish enough that, while I was so incredibly happy to welcome her into this world, I was also so saddened by the end of my own life, that it took me a while to truly understand what had happened. That this person ruined me, tore me down, wrecked everything I had worked so hard to become, but thank God. Because that person was kinda awful. My life was a shit show, and she came bursting into this world and shattered it all, only to rebuild me into someone who I am insanely proud to be. To say that she saved my life is by far, the understatement of the year. Everything that she is, is everything I always wanted to be. She constantly challenges every fiber of my being, to be more, want more, live more, breathe more. 

The beautiful part is that I had the right to choose this. That deep down inside, I knew that I had the ability and support to pull myself together, and rock the shit out of motherhood. But, not everyone has the ability to do this, and their circumstances are not as cushy, and beautiful as mine. Every woman on this planet has a right to make this choice depending on their own life, and divine purpose. The only person who Can make this decision, is the woman it is happening to. And it is her right to make that decision, without anyone else butting in and giving their opinion. There.. And that, my friends, ends my serious run for the day. Back to our regular scheduled fun times."

05 February 2012

To Have and to Hold

I hopped online this morning to check my email, check know, the regular Sunday morning routine with my coffee. My brother-in-law, who is married to my husbands sister and I'd consider a very close friend, posted a video online. You see, Jeff is not only a talented musician, he's also one of those men that's incredible at expressing his emotions through song (are you ladies swooning yet?).  So he wrote yet another song for my sister-in-law Biz, made a simple recording of him at their dining room table, with a guitar, posted it to YouTube and shared it on her wall. Are you following the adorableness of this?!?

But that's not the most heartwarming part. He does this often and has done it for years. When Biz and Jeff met he was a musician in NYC. His band (he was the lead singer of Astronaut) was awesome. Doug and I loved seeing him play in trendy spots, me using my fake ID and feeling like a groupie for the night. I loved the music Astronaut made. But as I've seen Biz and Jeff's relationship grow and change in amazing ways I've also seen Jeff's music change. His lyrics are his own and, because I know him personally, I know they are entirely about it his life. This makes his music infinitely more enjoyable to me. I love Biz and Jeff. I love their daughters. So whether it's a ballad to one of his daughters or a love poem put to music for his wife it's about my family and makes my heart smile.

It also inspires me to make sure I'm communicating my emotions with my husband. He too needs to feel loved and important. Now, I'm certainly not going to start singing on camera and posting it to Facebook- I'd start getting unfriended by the hundreds with my voice. But I can find my own unique ways, that fit my personality and our relationship, to incorporate love and adoration into our daily lives.

I find myself admiring a lot of couples in my life for how they treat their marriages. Marriage is not easy, and when they say it's not to be entered into lightly it's true. It takes mutual respect, cooperation, understanding, trust, support and communication. And that's on top of the more obvious love, passion and faithfulness.

So today's blog is an ode to all those married couples out there who keep on lovin'. Thanks for the inspiration.

01 February 2012

7-Day Slim Down

Today I've started what we in the Tone it Up Community call the 7-Day Slim Down. When you purchase the Tone it Up meal plan you also have access to a lot of Karena and Katrina's tips and tricks, including the slim down plan. This slim down is in NO WAY a lifestyle plan. It's an intense 7 days of dieting, adding and removing certain elements at certain times, to ensure you look your best after the 7 days. I view it as a type of cleanse, flushing out extra sugars and salts and really tightening and toning up all over. It's a great way to kick off or end a diet or challenge.

**Please note that these women are certified nutritionists and trainers. 

Before starting it's recommended that you weight and measure yourself in the morning on an empty stomach. Well, I already screwed this part up because I didn't do that today. I'll try to do it tomorrow. By taking measurements in the beginning and end you'll see how your body shape has changed and where you lost inches. Again, weight isn't always the best way to determine your progress. Measurements tell much more! (I've touched on this subject with a little more detail in a past post. Click here.)

Because the 7-Day Slim Down is challenging, I recommend doing it with someone, whether it's a bunch of people on the Tone it Up Community or with just your sister-in-law (my SIL Jane and I are doing this together). You can talk about what you're eating, how you're feeling, any trouble your having, etc. The key is to keep eachother on track and motivated!

During the next 7 days our diets will consist of mostly raw foods and protein and LOTS of water. Fruits are also included (which is a real treat!) as well as steamed vegetables and an occasional dairy item. We have 5 meals a day, so you're in no way starving yourself. We're also allowed to have coffee and green tea with Stevia :) Stevia, by the way, is a leaf extract from the stevia plant. A natural, chemical free and calorie free sweetener is made from the leaves. I've been using it as a sugar replacement for almost a year and absolutely love it! I also find coupons for Truvia (a brand of stevia) often and will stock up when I do.

In addition to diet restriction, the 7-Day Slim Down also includes workouts. Cardio and full-body training is worked in once or twice a day, depending on what day you're on, to ensure you're burning the maximum amount of calories. These chicks have it all down to a science and it works!

I'm both excited and dreading the days to come. I'll keep you updated on my progress. By this time next week I'll be looking HOT HOT HOT! Just like my favorite trainers.

To learn more about the Tone it Up Nutrition Plan click here. You can also access Karena and Katrina's work out videos on their YouTube channel. I've added a video below to explain a little more about Karena, Katrina and their plan.