
05 February 2012

To Have and to Hold

I hopped online this morning to check my email, check know, the regular Sunday morning routine with my coffee. My brother-in-law, who is married to my husbands sister and I'd consider a very close friend, posted a video online. You see, Jeff is not only a talented musician, he's also one of those men that's incredible at expressing his emotions through song (are you ladies swooning yet?).  So he wrote yet another song for my sister-in-law Biz, made a simple recording of him at their dining room table, with a guitar, posted it to YouTube and shared it on her wall. Are you following the adorableness of this?!?

But that's not the most heartwarming part. He does this often and has done it for years. When Biz and Jeff met he was a musician in NYC. His band (he was the lead singer of Astronaut) was awesome. Doug and I loved seeing him play in trendy spots, me using my fake ID and feeling like a groupie for the night. I loved the music Astronaut made. But as I've seen Biz and Jeff's relationship grow and change in amazing ways I've also seen Jeff's music change. His lyrics are his own and, because I know him personally, I know they are entirely about it his life. This makes his music infinitely more enjoyable to me. I love Biz and Jeff. I love their daughters. So whether it's a ballad to one of his daughters or a love poem put to music for his wife it's about my family and makes my heart smile.

It also inspires me to make sure I'm communicating my emotions with my husband. He too needs to feel loved and important. Now, I'm certainly not going to start singing on camera and posting it to Facebook- I'd start getting unfriended by the hundreds with my voice. But I can find my own unique ways, that fit my personality and our relationship, to incorporate love and adoration into our daily lives.

I find myself admiring a lot of couples in my life for how they treat their marriages. Marriage is not easy, and when they say it's not to be entered into lightly it's true. It takes mutual respect, cooperation, understanding, trust, support and communication. And that's on top of the more obvious love, passion and faithfulness.

So today's blog is an ode to all those married couples out there who keep on lovin'. Thanks for the inspiration.

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