
31 July 2012

Transitioning into Parenthood

After spending 8 years with Doug, most of which living together and the last 2 being married, I'd assumed transitioning into parenthood would be natural and easy. It wasn't until reading an article in the Ladies Home Journal that I realized this change may be difficult for us, no matter how resilient we think we are.

There are times in every relationship when you need  to take a step back and evaluate how supportive you are for one another and if there's something more you need yourself, or something more you need to contribute. When you work a child into the equation, everything gets a bit more complicated, and the needs of both parents may unintentionally get put on the back burner. It's for this reason that we often hear parents say that their marriage drastically changed, maybe even suffered.

Let this blog post serve as a declaration that my marriage will only be better with the addition of our little one. Rather than distract us from one another, she will bring us closer. She'll help us learn to respect each other's time and how can work as a team to tackle anything life brings our way. She'll be an everyday reminder of what our love can create, what we can endure, and how joyous the little things can be.

At this point, with me being 21 weeks along and her being just the size of a banana, she's already made me feel a million times closer to him. He's been my best friend since I was 18. We've been through wonderful times, tough times, moving great distances, saying our vows....and all of those things have made us utterly unstoppable. And now this. We've created a life that is developing and growing with every breath that I take. This experience is the ultimate blessing for us. Our little girl, our little miracle, is making our marriage a million times better.

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