The 20-week mark is a big one for us pregnant chicks. For those of us without complications, this week is only the second (and most likely the last) time we will see our baby before he or she is born. The first ultrasound is usually done at 8 weeks to confirm the pregnancy. At this point the baby is about the size of a gummy bear. During the weeks to come we get bigger and may even start to feel little movements here and there. Weeks 18 and 19 are complete torture (or at least they were for me) because you just want to SEE your baby and maybe even find out the sex.
Last Thursday I took the day off from work and anxiously awaited my 10 am appointment. I wouldn't be seeing the doctor that day, just the ultrasound technician. I was excited and nervous that morning, and quickly busied myself with unpacking. We're in the new house now and absolutely LOVE it. There's a lot to do, however, so Doug and I have been non-stop with organizing, cleaning, running to Lowes, running to the dump, etc.
Before I new it it was 9:30 am and time to get ready to go! I left for my appointment and was all smiles on the way there. I knew I was about to see the little baby that I'd been feeling consistently for about a week. I had no doubt that he or she is growing well and healthy, especially after everything I'd been feeling.
I was promptly brought back to the ultrasound room at 10 am (which is awesome because last time I waited almost an hour!!). Doug was running a few minutes late, but the technician told me we had lots to do and he wouldn't miss anything. She started and Doug showed up just a few minutes later.
The anatomy screening was incredible. She checked different parts of the baby's body an measured to determine exactly how far along we are. It turns out we are still on track for a December 5th due date.
We saw the baby moving around a lot, looked at the arms, legs, feet, head (which looks huge compared to the rest of the body) and finally in between the legs. When she asked if we wanted to know the sex Doug and I both responded with an eager "yes!"
She slowly typed on the screen...
I certainly can't tell from the above image that she is a girl, but the technician seemed certain. So there you have it!!! The Stewarts are having a girl, and only the second Stewart girl born since the 1800s (Doug's sister is the other one)! We're kind of a big deal....
She printed us a few photos and provided us with a disc of all the images. Below are 2 of the clearer ones that you might enjoy (that is, if you don't think looking in my uterus isn't to strange)
Feet |
whole body |
In the bottom picture she is curled up with her legs to her stomach and her head down. You can see the arch of her spine very clearly. For those of you non-yogi's, this is pretty much the yoga pose called "child's pose." We do this in between difficult poses to rest. It is pretty comfortable. Make sense to me now...
My favorite part about being there was seeing her move around inside me. I wish it were customary to have another ultrasound so I could see it again! Now comes the fun part of decorating her room and picking out the perfect name.
I don't know if I could be any happier.