Why would anyone intentionally ignore it you may ask? Well, because ignorance really is bliss. Just ask any meat eater that refuses to visit a slaughter house to meet the pig whose flesh they'll consume in a week. Most people would rather be blind to the suffering that goes into their products and food. Most humans don't want to have to sacrifice something they're accustomed to having, like meat or that specific shampoo they like so much, for the sake of compassion. If I'm aware that a bunny had painful injections in his eyes, had his fur burned of and nails ripped out for the sake of my eyeliner I wouldn't want to buy it (if I had a conscience, that is). This knowledge would make shopping for clothing, cosmetics, beauty products and food challenging.
I'm writing to let you know that it's not as hard as it seems. Cruelty free products are popping up everywhere, making products made without harming animals much more accessible AND affordable. YAY!!

Funny Pictures
To encourage consumers to seek out these cruelty-free options we need to give them the motivation to do so. Just understanding what animal testing is about will motivate anyone with a heart.
The most common form of animal testing is called the Draize Test. This is when a product, like shampoo or toothpaste, is put directly into the animal’s eyes to determine a lethal amount. This practice is cruel and ineffective because mice, rats, cats, and bunnies are very different from humans. Even if tests are being done for medical reasons the results are mostly irrelevant to humans.
"The Food & Drug Administration recently reported that of all drugs that test safe and effective in animal tests, 92 Percent are found to be either unsafe or ineffective in humans."
So why do we continue to subject animals to this unnecessary and cruel testing? They endure severe pain during these tests, abuse and neglect while being caged and immense amounts of stress for no end result. WHY?
Did you also know that some of the animals that wind up in laboratories have been stolen off the streets, adopted from shelters and obtained from "free to a good home" ads? The chances that your cat that "ran away" when you were 11 ended up being tortured in a lab are pretty good.
Watch the video. Anyone with a soul can't argue that this isn't wrong.
Furthermore, testing on animals doesn't tell us how humans will react to products. I argue that the best way to find out how a product or medicine effects humans is to test on humans. Here's a thought, with all the unemployed people out there why not pay HUMANS to endure these tests. I know people that I volunteered for this type of work. Or, better yet, why not test on humans serving prison sentences for violent crimes. We might as well make them work for our tax dollars that feed and house them.
The bottom line is that the only way we can encourage companies to stop animal testing and using animal products is to STOP BUYING THIER PRODUCTS. By not participating in the cruelty you can make a difference. You can also write the companies and let them know you've decided to stop using their products because they continue to use cruel and ineffective testing methods on animals.
Here are some links for how to find cruelty-free products. If you're not willing to speak up for these animals I at least urge you to not participate. Would you want your family dog, cat, bird or bunny to suffer this way?
Click Here to Access a Database of Companies that Do and DO NOT Test on Animals
For those of you who dislike PETA, Click Here for Another Way to Find out Companies that Do and DO NOT Test on Animals
Clothing, Shoes, Cosmetics, Hygiene Products, Cleaning Products, Laundry Detergent, Perfumes... they are all included in these lists. Please take the time to know what you are buying (and therefore supporting).
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