
23 October 2011

Hit the Streets for a Healthier You

There's scientific evidence that running can keep you healthy in more than just the obvious ways!

For Better Vision: If you log more than 35 miles a week you are 54% less likely to suffer from age-related vision loss!

A Clearer Mind: Running can help you stay clear and alert. You'll make less mistakes at work on the days you run and be more productive. A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society also reported that active teenagers were less likely to develop dementia later in life. Get your kids running too!

After Hard Work Comes Rest: A study revealed that insomniacs fell asleep in 17 minutes on the days they ran, compared to 38 minutes on the days they didn't.

Running Makes for a Healthier Respiratory System: This is one of the more obvious benefits. Runners are 18% less likely to suffer from upper respiratory tract infections. Also, asthmatics can decrease wheezing and shortness of breath by completing at least 2 cardio and 1 strengthening exercises a week.

Brain Power: College students who exercise at least 20 minutes 7 days a week have higher GPA'S than those who are sedentary.

My Heart, My Life: Logging 10 miles or more a week will make you less likely to need blood-pressure and cholesterol meds.

A Healthier Sex Life: Men who burn 3,000 calories per week are 83% less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Moreover, exercising increases blood flow to the genitals making both genders more frisky. Additionally, exercise, like sex, releases endorphins in our brain which make us happy and blissful. This is often referred to as the "runners high." The more your body is accustomed to these good feeling hormones the easier it is to release them in the future. Not only will you feel good because of your body chemistry, you'll also have a better body image. People who exercise are less critical of their bodies and have more confidence. This will arouse both you and your partner!

Stronger Bones: Running strengthens bones better than other aerobic activities.

LIVE LONGER: Study after study show the benefits of physical activity. This one's a no-brainer.

With all the health benefits, I can't see a reason why not to run! Getting started may be a bit challenging, but after 2 weeks of pushing through you'll train your body and mind to adapt. Early morning runs will become less difficult and your endurance will slowly increase. You'll form new, healthier, habits in no time!

Doug ran a 10k with me this morning, the furthest he's ran in the 8 years he's been out of the Marine Corps! I am so proud that he pushed through and didn't give up. It was a bridge run with some pretty nasty inclines, but he didn't let that stop him! He finished in 57 minutes. I finished just 4 minutes before him. I was excited to have a companion to run with but I'm even more excited that this run may have jump-started him into a regular running routine. We'll find out tomorrow when I try to drag him out of bed for a 6:30 am, 3.5 mile golf course run.

Source: Runners World, February 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Dougie and yaya Amanda, the best motivator I know!!I'll be running 2 miles a day until I feel ready to increase...and looking forward to it :)
