
30 April 2011

The Art of Miscommunication

Why is it that the people that we talk to the most can be those we communicate with the least? I feel like I am a perpetual communicator: always talking things out, brainstorming, discussing... Whereas others answer vaguely, withhold information, refuse to participate, etc. Is the lack of communication intentional? Or do they really think simple and inadequate is enough to keep a conversation going or find a solution? Is it just a lack of effort? Maybe a general disinterest?

Whatever it may be, I encounter it daily and it drives me crazy. When having a conversation we should be able to talk about the subject, bring up specifics as needed, uncover or discover things we may not have known. It doesn't require too much effort. Instead, I'm asking question after question trying to drag answers out of people.

And as much as I hate to say it, my areas of miscommunication seem to be related to gender. I'm never one to stereotype based on sex, however gender is a different story. We're all socialized to think boys and girls act differently, excel in different areas, and have different characteristics. Girls learn early on they are supposed to be talkers, problem solvers and mediators. Boys are the doers. So despite the fact that gendered stereotypes are less extreme, these subtle differences remain and make communication between men and women a difficult task.

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