For those of you who don't know (I haven't been too vocal about it) I'm now 17 weeks pregnant! That's around 4 months for the non-mathematicians out there. Though I've certainly felt pregnant over the last 17 weeks (I will spare you the details of that), I didn't necessarily look pregnant. To me, my close friends, husband and family it's pretty obvious that I'm thicker in the middle. My clothes don't fit and my once flat stomach was beginning to bulge. But for co workers and others that don't know about my normally flat and toned stomach (yea...I workout, lol) I just looked normal. But the in-between faze was very difficult; not quite ready for maternity clothes but not fitting into my own. I felt like people were looking at my like I was chubby when I knew I was carrying a precious little baby in my growing belly.
Well, practically out of nowhere my belly has made a very distinct and obvious appearance!
Side note: I am wearing my new glasses! Yes, I can see!!!
I don't think most people can mistake that baby bump! And although growing is a bit scary, it's also very exciting and I can't wait for more. I know that as I grow and change that means my first child is developing as he or she should. I read updates on it's size and development daily and am amazed everyday at what's going on inside of my body. While I'm busy being a wife, a manager, a friend, etc. my body is busy making a baby every minute of every day. It certainly explains why I'm exhausted all the time.
Two days ago I went for a regular check up with my doctor. She said my blood pressure is excellent, I'm in great shape, I've gained the right amount of weight and everything seams very healthy! We listened to the baby's heartbeat which was 153 BPM. This was the second time I've heard the heartbeat, and it was no less emotional then the first. Knowing that the little heart inside my child is beating strong bring tears to my eyes. I'll do whatever I can, whatever I need to do, to ensure that he or she is healthy and happy. I already feel a strong connection to this child, and it's only been inside me for a few months. I can't even begin to imagine how it will feel when I hold him or her for the first time. I simply cannot wait.
I"ll continue to blog about my 20-something life, including the big changes I'm currently facing with buying a home and being pregnant. My life is changing more in my twenties, and more rapidly, than I ever thought it could. Here's to change and being healthy and happy!
As one would guess from the title, I am a twenty-something trying to make sense of everything around me. With my life drastically changing, I'm trying to understand the ways in which myself, my peers, my loved ones, my country, and my world are evolving. Where do we twenty-somethings fit in, and how can we make a difference?
28 June 2012
23 June 2012
Alex = Christian? Yes, yes, yes!
Like many women recently, I've read and thoroughly enjoyed the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. I couldn't put it down! Sure, sometimes the story line was a bit predictable, and on occasion I wanted to slap Anastasia Steele in the face, but overall I thought it was captivating and enjoyed the "different" style of book.
Naturally, while reading I imagined the characters to look a certain way. Does anyone else do this? Then I learned there were talks of a 50 Shades movie and I about jumped for joy. My #1 disturbing yet incredibly sexy crush is perfect for the role.
Naturally, while reading I imagined the characters to look a certain way. Does anyone else do this? Then I learned there were talks of a 50 Shades movie and I about jumped for joy. My #1 disturbing yet incredibly sexy crush is perfect for the role.
That's right! Alexander Skarsgard, or Eric from True Blood. His tall build, wide shoulders, long fingers and mesmerizing eyes all perfectly fit Christian Grey. And let's face it, who doesn't want to see this man in sex scene after sex scene? I mean, come on!
The only reason I say he is my #1 disturbing crush is because I started my love affair with Alex when I only knew him as a vampire. And now I'm picturing him as a 27-year-old billionaire heavily into S&M. I wonder how he would feel about my perception of him...
There's also been a lot of buzz about who should play Anastasia. My vote is for the British actress Felicity Jones.
She physically fits the role and is still absent from most peoples radar. I feel that a too popular actress may taint Anastasia's role. What do you think?
Starting My Business
I've recently started a home based business and have been meaning to blog about it for quite some time. Most people reading this blog understand my compassion for animals and know when I find something animal friendly I tend to support it. Well, I found Arbonne, or maybe Arbonne found me, and jumped in feet first. What I didn't realize is I'd land in an incredible opportunity to not only tote high qaulity products but to aslo create a lucrative long-lasting business and make good money.
It started when my friend Nichole recommended I try and all natural acne product. The more running I did the more frequent breakouts I'd have on my forehead. I gave it a try and needless to say LOVED it. Not only was it the ONLY product that actually worked for me, I felt good about using it because it's organic and vegan-certified, like all Arbonne products. The Clear Advantage set is similarly priced to ProActive but doesn't have any harmful chemicals with damaging effects like the industry leader.
When I started to learn more about the company, it's mission and it's products I wanted to get involved. So I did just that. I signed on as a consultant and starting selling Arbonne products. Because Arbonne is a hybrid of a Direct Selling Company and Network Marketing, we are the voice of Arbonne. There are no commercials and no models. We market. We model. And this is why we make money: no middle man to pay (i.e. models, actresses, distributers, retailers, etc).
I kicked of my journey with a launch party. At the party I served:
-Peanut Butter Protein Bars to highlight the yumminess and versatilty of the Arbonne Protein Powder
-Dark Chocolate covered almonds, raw almonds, wasabi soy sauce almonds
-Blue cheese stuffed olives
-Veggies, dip, hummus
-A cheese and cracker plate
- WINE: Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio
Unfortunately I failed to take a any photos of the spread. But below is a shot of the products I had on display.
We had a product demonstartion with my Regional Vice President and then went over the business opportunity. It was a lot of fun and by the end of the night I had many intersted prospects. That was back in February.
Since then, I've moved up to a District Manager position due to the amount of products I've sold and the consultants I've signed. I've recieved a few gifts from Arbonne to thank me for my success (jewelry, products and extra $$), and expect many more in the future. And I only do this part-time!!
ANd I've also discovered so many products I LOVE. You see, I already spend money on shampoo, lotion, make up, etc. Why not get paid to spend my money with a company I love?? I now regularly use their products daily: shampoo, body wash, conditioner, face wash, day cream, night cream, firming body cream, tinted moisturizer, minderal powder, bronzer, eye liner, mascara, hand name it I use it and it's all Arbonne. Because it's Arbonne I know it's pure, safe and beneficial for me and the planet. It's green, organic and vegan.
This has been an exciting journey so far. My goal is to reach executive Area Manager by September 1 and Regional VP by Feb. 1. I know I can do it. All I need to do is represent my company well and sow others how amazing these products are. I'm also looking for consultants to add to my team. There's a ton of opportunity with Arbonne and room for everyone at the top!!! If you'd like to learn more about the products or the business please reach out to me. Arbonne ID # 19841366.
Check out my video reviews of Arbonne products too!
Arbonne Before-Sun Products
Arbonne FC5 Line
Arbonne Cosmetics
It started when my friend Nichole recommended I try and all natural acne product. The more running I did the more frequent breakouts I'd have on my forehead. I gave it a try and needless to say LOVED it. Not only was it the ONLY product that actually worked for me, I felt good about using it because it's organic and vegan-certified, like all Arbonne products. The Clear Advantage set is similarly priced to ProActive but doesn't have any harmful chemicals with damaging effects like the industry leader.
When I started to learn more about the company, it's mission and it's products I wanted to get involved. So I did just that. I signed on as a consultant and starting selling Arbonne products. Because Arbonne is a hybrid of a Direct Selling Company and Network Marketing, we are the voice of Arbonne. There are no commercials and no models. We market. We model. And this is why we make money: no middle man to pay (i.e. models, actresses, distributers, retailers, etc).
I kicked of my journey with a launch party. At the party I served:
-Peanut Butter Protein Bars to highlight the yumminess and versatilty of the Arbonne Protein Powder
-Dark Chocolate covered almonds, raw almonds, wasabi soy sauce almonds
-Blue cheese stuffed olives
-Veggies, dip, hummus
-A cheese and cracker plate
- WINE: Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio
Unfortunately I failed to take a any photos of the spread. But below is a shot of the products I had on display.
We had a product demonstartion with my Regional Vice President and then went over the business opportunity. It was a lot of fun and by the end of the night I had many intersted prospects. That was back in February.
Since then, I've moved up to a District Manager position due to the amount of products I've sold and the consultants I've signed. I've recieved a few gifts from Arbonne to thank me for my success (jewelry, products and extra $$), and expect many more in the future. And I only do this part-time!!
ANd I've also discovered so many products I LOVE. You see, I already spend money on shampoo, lotion, make up, etc. Why not get paid to spend my money with a company I love?? I now regularly use their products daily: shampoo, body wash, conditioner, face wash, day cream, night cream, firming body cream, tinted moisturizer, minderal powder, bronzer, eye liner, mascara, hand name it I use it and it's all Arbonne. Because it's Arbonne I know it's pure, safe and beneficial for me and the planet. It's green, organic and vegan.
This has been an exciting journey so far. My goal is to reach executive Area Manager by September 1 and Regional VP by Feb. 1. I know I can do it. All I need to do is represent my company well and sow others how amazing these products are. I'm also looking for consultants to add to my team. There's a ton of opportunity with Arbonne and room for everyone at the top!!! If you'd like to learn more about the products or the business please reach out to me. Arbonne ID # 19841366.
Check out my video reviews of Arbonne products too!
Arbonne Before-Sun Products
Arbonne FC5 Line
Arbonne Cosmetics
Quick and Easy Make-Up Routine
Arbonne has taken cosmetics to a whole new level with the launch of Arbonne Cosmetics, a comprehensive makeup collection utilizing beautiful science to promote gorgeous skin, eyes and lips. The products feature new technologies and superior ingredients packaged in upscale, sophisticated packaging.
My favorite thing about using Arbonne cosmetics is their Optilight technology which gives you a photo finish! No need for airbrushing an Arbonne girl!! Optilight Technology was developed by Arbonne to promote maximum radiance. Optilight Technology works in two ways: First, finely sized pigments deflect light from the skin, creating a soft-focus effect that gives skin a flawless appearance. Simultaneously, finely sized pigments allow skin to breathe, imparting a “light as air” feeling and promoting a healthy glow.
To order, please visit Click "Join Arbonne" and be sure to enter Sponsor ID# 19841366, You'll then be registered as a client under me. You can shop online, pay online and have the products shipped right to your door!
Stay Moisturized and Youthful
Radiance and hydration are key to skin's beauty. FC5 helps preserve, protect and revitalize the skin's appearance thanks to innovative techonolgy and progressive plant cell ingredients. Our groundbreaking technology allows us to extract cells, while keeping them fresh and intact. Each cell retains it's original wealth of essential nutrients.
I use the FC5 products morning and night. Because I tend to be on the oily side, I use the FC5 Oil Absorbing formulas. Arbonne also offers a nurturing formula for those with normal ti dry skin. This kit includes a rich and creamy night cream which I absolutely adore! The FC5 line is one of the most popular lines, offering a wide variety of products. Below is my review of the face products alone.
To order, please visit Click "Join Arbonne" and be sure to enter Sponsor ID# 19841366, You'll then be registered as a client under me. You can shop online, pay online and have the products shipped right to your door!
Have Sun-Kissed Skin this Summer
Summer's here and it's time for fun in the sun. Our weekends are filled with beach days, back-yard BBQs, pool parties, dock "meetings" (aka dock cocktails) and more! Play it safe this summer while improving the quality of your skin with Arbonne's collection of Before Sun skincare products for adults and children.
A good sunscreen should protect against UVB rays, which cause sunburns, and UVA rays, which danger's can result in more permanent damage to the skin such as cancer, sun spots and premature aging. Remember, apply 30 minutes before going outside and use SPF everyday!
To order, please visit Click "Join Arbonne" and be sure to enter Sponsor ID# 19841366, You'll then be registered as a client under me. You can shop online, pay online and have the products shipped right to your door!
09 June 2012
Movin' On Up To the East Side
Wow. It's been a month since my last blog post. Let me start off by saying I am a poor excuse for a blogger! But life have been crazy and I do believe you'll enjoy all the exciting news.
The biggest reason for my absence lately is I have been leaving the house everyday around 8am and getting home around 8:30 pm. Then it's dinner, laundry, and quiet time with the hubby and our furry kids. When we're not working or at the gym, we've been having a good time!
Helen, GA for Southern Worthesee was exciting as usual. This year we rented a cabin for 10 of us. It was an awesome crew and the cars were incredible, as was expected.
We drove up Friday around 1pm and met up with our friends at the cabin. We stayed in Friday night, catching up, washing cars, and getting pumped for the next 2 days. Some of the people we met up with we only get to see once or twice a year so spending a weekend together was a real treat!
Saturday was the main event. Thousands of Volkswagens and Audis were on display, with custom body and mechanical work. Vendors sold fun t-shirts, parts and accessories, and enthusiasts walked the field and enjoyed the show. It was an awesome day! My pups were pretty hot in the sun so we spent a lot of time chillin' in the shade.
Sunday was the annual drive through the mountains, which thankfully was uneventful and brief enough for us to get back on the road at a decent hour and make it home by 11pm.
Just 2 weeks later we went to Asheville, NC for our annual BeerCity Festival. Asheville is one of my favorite places and I can't wait to some day own a home there. Again, we rented a cabin for 10 of us. Shenanigans ensued with beer olympics after the beer festival. Again, we had a great group that got a long very well. My sister and her boyfriend Nate even drove all the way down from PA for it!! I loved spending time with my sister and the rest of the group in one of the most eclectic and enchanting cities I know :)
Renting cabins for both trips allowed us to keep our meals both less expensive and healthier! Doug is trying to maintain his 200 lbs of muscle and low body fat, which requires 6,000 calories a day! I know, he's nuts right? But he went from 180 to 200 in no time and is looking big and sexy!
We were also able to bring both Pepper and Karma along for the trips which I loved. They spent time outside, sniffing, running and playing which I always prefer to being cooped up in a kennel. They enjoyed the short walk to the top of Mount Mitchell, and the chilly air didn't bother them one bit! There was a 10 degree difference from the top of the mountain to back in town. CRAZINESS!
Other than the 2 trips it's been work work work with an occasional boat ride with my friends. And all this work isn't for nothing. We have something very exciting and scary happening at the end of this month.
Wait for it.
Wait for it....
I'm buying a house!!!
That's right! I'm buying my very first house! Doug and I have been renting here in Bluffton for the last few years. We love our current house and our neighborhood but we couldn't pass up this deal. The home we're moving into is a foreclosure and a great investment. It's listed way below what is appraises for, is an IDEAL location for us (Golf cart distance to the dock AND downtown Bluffton) and it's on 3/4 of an acre.
We fell in love with this house about a year ago when my mother and I stumbled upon it during one of her visits. It had a contract pending, then went to foreclosure...then finally it came back on the market and we made an offer immediately.
With foreclosures the time-frame is very quick. After my offer was accepted, I had 5 business days to have my home inspections done and the closing date was set for a month away. Preparing all the documents for a foreclosure has been time consuming, not to mention nerve racking because this is my first time buying a home. Doug has bought 2 homes in the past, and still owns one, so he's not nearly as intimidated as I am.
But I couldn't be happier and can't wait to move in! 5 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, lots of space both inside and out. It's perfect! I'll keep you updated on the progress. Next week I find out if I am approved for the loan. FINGERS CROSSED!!!
The biggest reason for my absence lately is I have been leaving the house everyday around 8am and getting home around 8:30 pm. Then it's dinner, laundry, and quiet time with the hubby and our furry kids. When we're not working or at the gym, we've been having a good time!
Helen, GA for Southern Worthesee was exciting as usual. This year we rented a cabin for 10 of us. It was an awesome crew and the cars were incredible, as was expected.
We drove up Friday around 1pm and met up with our friends at the cabin. We stayed in Friday night, catching up, washing cars, and getting pumped for the next 2 days. Some of the people we met up with we only get to see once or twice a year so spending a weekend together was a real treat!
Saturday was the main event. Thousands of Volkswagens and Audis were on display, with custom body and mechanical work. Vendors sold fun t-shirts, parts and accessories, and enthusiasts walked the field and enjoyed the show. It was an awesome day! My pups were pretty hot in the sun so we spent a lot of time chillin' in the shade.
Sunday was the annual drive through the mountains, which thankfully was uneventful and brief enough for us to get back on the road at a decent hour and make it home by 11pm.
Just 2 weeks later we went to Asheville, NC for our annual BeerCity Festival. Asheville is one of my favorite places and I can't wait to some day own a home there. Again, we rented a cabin for 10 of us. Shenanigans ensued with beer olympics after the beer festival. Again, we had a great group that got a long very well. My sister and her boyfriend Nate even drove all the way down from PA for it!! I loved spending time with my sister and the rest of the group in one of the most eclectic and enchanting cities I know :)
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VW Touareg, Audi A4, VW Golf and Audi R8 a top Mount Mitchell, NC |
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Holly, Pat, Nate, Melissa, Me, Doug, Joe, Leah. Jonathan, Ashley, Pepper and Karma |
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Cheers! |
Renting cabins for both trips allowed us to keep our meals both less expensive and healthier! Doug is trying to maintain his 200 lbs of muscle and low body fat, which requires 6,000 calories a day! I know, he's nuts right? But he went from 180 to 200 in no time and is looking big and sexy!
We were also able to bring both Pepper and Karma along for the trips which I loved. They spent time outside, sniffing, running and playing which I always prefer to being cooped up in a kennel. They enjoyed the short walk to the top of Mount Mitchell, and the chilly air didn't bother them one bit! There was a 10 degree difference from the top of the mountain to back in town. CRAZINESS!
Other than the 2 trips it's been work work work with an occasional boat ride with my friends. And all this work isn't for nothing. We have something very exciting and scary happening at the end of this month.
Wait for it.
Wait for it....
I'm buying a house!!!
That's right! I'm buying my very first house! Doug and I have been renting here in Bluffton for the last few years. We love our current house and our neighborhood but we couldn't pass up this deal. The home we're moving into is a foreclosure and a great investment. It's listed way below what is appraises for, is an IDEAL location for us (Golf cart distance to the dock AND downtown Bluffton) and it's on 3/4 of an acre.
We fell in love with this house about a year ago when my mother and I stumbled upon it during one of her visits. It had a contract pending, then went to foreclosure...then finally it came back on the market and we made an offer immediately.
With foreclosures the time-frame is very quick. After my offer was accepted, I had 5 business days to have my home inspections done and the closing date was set for a month away. Preparing all the documents for a foreclosure has been time consuming, not to mention nerve racking because this is my first time buying a home. Doug has bought 2 homes in the past, and still owns one, so he's not nearly as intimidated as I am.
But I couldn't be happier and can't wait to move in! 5 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, lots of space both inside and out. It's perfect! I'll keep you updated on the progress. Next week I find out if I am approved for the loan. FINGERS CROSSED!!!
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